Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Scientist Dr, Ray Chrisman (Alterdyne corp/ bio char)

In the last week of my internship at youth works, (working on alternate energy). We had the c.e.o of a large company (Alter dyne) make a long trip to educated us on the direction bio char should be going for this next generation. He presented us with annual carbon fluxes (how much co2 is being contributed to the atmosphere from us, and how much is returning.) He also brought to our attention that it has many other great side affects like bigger growth in any food products, (becoming bigger, taster), and how it could help to slow global warming, and can help the earth recover, like medicine to a sick patient. (when used correctly it has good affects!) But the most amazing thing that he showed us was that bio char, even though it hasn't formally been discovered to this era. it actually has been around for thousands of years. Like in the Savannah how the grass could grow taller than some American bushes, etc. it's because when the dirt was digged up and examined, bio char was found to be the source giving the dirt a more darker texture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel:

    Thanks for such an informative post. I learned a great deal from it. You're doing exactly what we would like YouthWorks participants to learn from this exercise: processing some of the things you learned and establishing this through a blog. You could direct future employers (or some of your teachers) to your blog, and that will document how much you learned and how smart you are.
    I can't wait to read your next blog post.
    Joan Doughty
